International Showcase

Imagine a pandemic world, in which everyone lives confined. It was in this scenario that we had to compose a slightly smaller selection of films, to be shown online, for obvious reasons of health security. The selection process took place during the quarantine, and from there came a selection destined to take them on an adventure outside the walls of your homes. An adventure in an imaginary world, across five continents, in eight short programs.

Our story begins in the apocalypse, which generates a new invented world, in a slightly different reality, with its strange societies, its paranormal situations, its love stories, its multiple families, a world of desire and attitudes, which promises us a glorious future where children might have the answer. A reality finally not so far from ours, with its dramas, laughter and experimentation.

The Festival continues to present you with a worldwide panorama of the short film from 26 different countries, with new films awarded at major festivals, and acclaimed directors alongside talents of the future.

We hope you enjoy this journey in our company and that this film adventure through the 41 short films of the international programs breaks down the walls of social distance for a while.